Most Popular Questions

Will this service finalize my name change with various offices for me?

Unfortunately, we cannot change your name on your behalf. While we cannot complete the process for you, our service expedites the process and makes it much simpler! Instead of researching the information and handwriting all forms, you'll have access to our advanced document preparation software, pre-drafted notification letter templates, detailed guidance for each step of the process and access to our knowledgeable support staff -- all of this provided with a 100% money back guarantee.

What is the cost of your name change service and will I still have to pay filing fees when submitting my completed documents?

Our name change service varies in price depending on the type of name change. Our prices are as follows:

  • - Divorce Name Change - $34
  • - Legal Name Change - $45
  • - Married Name Change - $47

Filing fees vary depending on the type of name change and the state where you are changing your name. An example of this would be if you incur court or attorney fees, such as in the case of a legal name change, the cost will likely be higher than a married name change. What you pay for our service doesn’t include any filing fees owed to the issuing authority.

Am I able to get the required forms to change my name without having to pay?

By contacting the relevant state or federal agencies, you can obtain blank name change application forms at no charge. By doing your own research, you can get these forms online. Even though the forms are free, you will still owe any required filing fees.

After getting married or divorced, do I have to change my name within a certain time period?

Usually, there is not a time limit to change your name. That being said, check with your local jurisdiction to make sure that your marriage certificate or divorce decree will still suffice to change your name if a long period of time has lapsed since the official marriage or divorce. After changing your name with the Social Security Administration, you must update your driver license within 30 days.

Other Questions

Yes, our service is backed by a 100% money back guarantee. If you are not pleased with your purchase, please contact us and we will issue a refund immediately.
Yes, a marriage license and a marriage certificate are different and the distinction is important to note if you are trying to change your name when getting married.

A marriage license is obtained, prior to your marriage, from the courthouse in the county where you will be getting married. Your marriage license permits your legal marriage and will be signed by your officiant and witnesses. This form must be submitted to the proper county office within a few days of your marriage ceremony. The county office will process an official record of your marriage.

A marriage certificate is your recorded marriage license certified by the county court after your legal union. Your marriage certificate will usually arrive a couple of weeks after processing your license with your county court. Your marriage certificate proves that you are legally married and is a required document for you to process your name change. Our service outlines how to obtain your marriage certificate if you don’t already have a certified copy.

Yes, after marriage, you are legally able to hyphenate your last name with your spouse’s last name. Your marriage certificate will be the document you use to make this change.
When submitting your personal information in our system, make sure to note the hyphenated last name you will be taking and we will pre-fill your documents with your new hyphenated last name.
In most states, you can take your maiden name as your middle name as a part of the married name change process. If you are changing your name in California, New Jersey, New York, Ohio (unless your marriage certificate lists that you are taking your maiden name as your middle name), Pennsylvania or Washington State, however, you are not able to take your maiden name as your middle name through the married name change process. If you are changing your name in one of the states listed above, you must change your name through the legal name change process if you want to take your maiden name as your middle name.
While you can petition for an alternative last name after marriage, you cannot do so through the married name change process. Each spouse will need to file a legal name change.
The state of California is the only exception to this rule. If you were married in California and are seeking your married name change in that state, you can list an alternative last name on your license that is formed from each spouse’s previous last name.
Unfortunately, your child(ren)’s name(s) will not change with yours. If you want to change your child(ren)’s name(s), you will need to file for a legal name change for each child.
Yes, you can use a marriage certificate from another country if it is written in English and was issued by the official government authority of that country. There are also specific religious authorities that are also able to issue marriage certificates abroad. If you have questions about your foreign marriage certificate, contact your local Social Security office.
In most states, your marriage license will state your legal maiden name at the time of your marriage. Some states provide a section to list the name you will be taking after marriage. If your license has this section, make sure to list the exact name you plan to take after marriage. If your state does not have a space to list your intended married name, you are legally allowed to change your last name after marriage and a certified copy of your marriage certificate is sufficient to make this change.
Sometimes. If your divorce decree specifically states that you are going to be using your maiden name again, then you can use your divorce decree to change your name with federal and state agencies. If your divorce decree does not list that you plan to change your name after your divorce, you will need to file for a legal name change.
Usually, there is not a time limit to change your name. That being said, check with your local jurisdiction to make sure that your marriage certificate or divorce decree will still suffice to change your name if a long period of time has lapsed since the official marriage or divorce. After changing your name with the Social Security Administration, you must update your driver license within 30 days.
Our name change service will address this question in depth and provide detailed instructions on the methods available to obtain this document.
You must file a legal name change to resume your maiden name. Our legal name change service will assist you through this process.
In situations of marriage or divorce, you don’t need to update your name on your birth certificate. If you change your name through the legal name change process, you can change your name on your birth certificate but it is not required. Each state has a different process for how to change your name on your birth certificate. To update your birth certificate, contact the Office of Vital Records in the state you were born to begin the process. You will likely need your legal court order to make this request.
You will need to change your name where you currently live. You would only need to go to the state where you were born if you want to change your name on your birth certificate. Our name change service will assist you in changing your name in the state where you currently reside.
In most cases, consent from both parents is necessary and makes the process much easier. That being said, every situation is unique and each state has a specific process to file for a minor’s name change with only one consenting parent. Our assistance service will provide guidance in this process.

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